Just curious, how long can a bed for Sam Sam be survived? He won't rip off the bed?? [版主回覆05/22/2009 12:26:00]he has 2 beds now. this one i just bought is with jean-type material, pretty tough! so far he's been pretty nice with the new bed, and just keep messing up with his old one only. the old one has some holes since he tries to rip it off, but don't need to throw away yet. i think we have the old one for about half yr...
[版主回覆05/18/2009 21:26:00]多謝,尋晚佢好似無入到去訓,佢平時會架.... 多左舊野有d 不知所措!
sam媽 .. 呢個籠係買黎俾佢去旅行定係放係屋企當床訓架 ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/18/2009 21:27:00]兩樣都得,而家做住床先
夏天可以唔要個蓋, 剩係俾個兜佢訓
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/18/2009 21:27:00]佢鐘意有野kam架
新居入伙, 要開個PARTY慶祝下, 不過又好大間, 不錯不錯, 小白`就有錢宦買到個籠
回覆刪除samsam你未住慣者~~~ 唔鐘意咪話俾媽咪知要自由行囉:)
[版主回覆05/18/2009 21:28:00]嘿,咪教壞細路
回覆刪除幾時做 house warming 呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2009 02:02:00]SamSam: Trainer 哥哥有咩禮物先?
回覆刪除堆泥 比你慢慢 掘啦
唔好話我細手筆呀, ship過黎唔平架
[版主回覆05/19/2009 22:37:00]SamSam: 都好呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2009 22:37:00]佢舊0個張都唔得,新呢張就OK
咁sam sam 係咪有得去旅行呀 ??
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2009 22:38:00]唔係呀,不過如果以後我地搬返香港都唔使再買過咁囉
新屋入伙喎......sam sam 手長腳長,夠唔夠訓?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2009 22:38:00]'炆'架都
wa, 真係幾大喎~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2009 23:10:00]唔錯架
亞sam都好鍾意個新籠wor, 不過伸直可能真係唔夠瞓, 所以亞sam可能諗住掘深d掘大d先瞓, kakakakaka ~~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2009 23:10:00]都應該係啦!
Just curious, how long can a bed for Sam Sam be survived? He won't rip off the bed??
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/22/2009 12:26:00]he has 2 beds now. this one i just bought is with jean-type material, pretty tough! so far he's been pretty nice with the new bed, and just keep messing up with his old one only. the old one has some holes since he tries to rip it off, but don't need to throw away yet. i think we have the old one for about half yr...