2008年9月17日 星期三

The Famous Sam


早兩晚仲好笑,有個女仔坐响部車到停响路邊。我帶SamSam 行過,個女仔突然好開心咁對住我地叫Hi Sammy, Hello Sammy... 我定左定,笑一笑就帶傻Sam走...

好多時D 人叫佢,我都唔認得0個D 人,惟有陪笑say hello。

但係隻仔係成日都好興奮想撲人,我勁拉住佢都好啦,D 人都會走埋黎摸佢...
我話唔好,D 人就會話無相干,唔緊要...




4 則留言:

  1. 辛苦sam媽啦!~~~~
    [版主回覆09/19/2008 21:17:00]佢成日都挑戰我... 有時真係好激氣

  2. sam媽你當果d係義工, 幫你考下你個samsam既定力law. 
    [版主回覆09/19/2008 21:18:00]定力? 佢係一D 都無0既...

  3. COFFEE MILK SKY B LITTLE B2008年9月19日 凌晨4:55

    有多d人嚟摸佢你先可以順便教好佢 , 加油呀
    [版主回覆09/19/2008 21:18:00]唔容易~ 不過我會盡力

  4. I feel for you, same thing happened to me and my lab!  I know these ppl love dogs and don't mind my boy jumping up on them, but really "而家唔係你唔介意就OK,我好介意你搞到我教唔到狗!!" so true... haha....
    One tip for you, my lab would go crazy when I let the leash loose when walking on  big lawns outside my home, he would actually jump up to bite my hand :-( but not anymore since I foresee what he will do, I make him heel everytime we walk on the lawns, if he strays and unwilling to heel, I gave him a sharp tug on the leash (quickly pull hard then immediately release) until he focuses on me and heels, that works like a charm  And your golden could take it hard too because they both have strong necks!  So try it the next time before his excitement gets to a red zone~~
    BTW, I'm in NY too, what part of NY are you in?  If we live close by may be we can let our dogs hang out together a bit 
    [版主回覆09/19/2008 21:44:00]Yea.. I tried to give a tug on his neck, but this bad boy just seems pretty tough no matter how hard I tug, he kinda ignore me if he's focusing on something 'interesting'... We live in Queens, where do u live?



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