2009年3月25日 星期三

Earth Hour - New York/U.S.

地球一小時,紐約是商業都市,所以選擇週末,3月28日8:30-9:30 pm,大家要支持!!

(弊... 我地0個日有surprise party 添...)

From Manhattan's iconic skyscrapers, to key landmarks in all five
boroughs, to the apartments and houses of individual New Yorkers across
the city, Earth Hour will provide an opportunity to raise awareness
among our friends and neighbors, teach our children and engage our
elected officials about the need to address climate change.

To show your support for Earth Hour in NYC, please sign up now to join fellow Earth Hour supporters as we fight to save our planet.

1 則留言:

  1. 熄燈一小時的副產品,是減低光害...趁熄燈的一小時,抬頭看一眼我的久違了的舊時星空...



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