We went this morning and Scotchie ran to a puddle mixed with dirty water and mud trying to sip the water, may be he was too thirsty after wrestling vigorously with a dog~ and of course heavy cleaning again came afterwards~ [版主回覆12/30/2008 00:28:00]又去? 你又唔使返呀??
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/28/2008 01:29:00]佢地成日都係咁, 摔角0者, 唔係打架~
如果無睇錯,阿boy係隻拉布拉多 (我至愛既狗狗!!)
[版主回覆12/29/2008 11:20:00]係呀, 阿boy 係拉拉, Sam豬個好朋友黎~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/29/2008 11:22:00]咚咕妹都係咁咋嘛
We went this morning and Scotchie ran to a puddle mixed with dirty water and mud trying to sip the water, may be he was too thirsty after wrestling vigorously with a dog~ and of course heavy cleaning again came afterwards~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/30/2008 00:28:00]又去? 你又唔使返呀??
I have today and tmr off as well~ then half day on the 31st~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/30/2008 00:51:00]早知叫你帶埋Sam豬去啦, wahahahahahahhahaa XD
too bad i have a tight schedule tmr, otherwise we would've been able to take Sam Sam as well~