今早返工,又見到D 野,係時候同大家繼地鐵見聞 - 金魚佬後分享下紐約地鐵0既千奇百怪事情~
當我地部車準備開,對面0個部就準備關門之際... 有位中國人女士(今次好肯定係中國人)一邊手拖住一個仔,3 個人像風一樣要趕搭對邊部車。2個男仔大概2-3年班樣,細細粒咁...
風到其中一邊個細路俾個阿媽凌空扯起,雙腳離地,再'pik pak'一聲,膝頭落地!
個阿媽呢,就繼續飛奔hold 住度門,懶理個仔仲攤响地!!!
我懷疑個細路受到長期訓練,自己爬返起身,跛跛吓,繼續衝上車... 佢個膝頭應該幾傷
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2009 10:43:00]呢d 成日都見, 起碼部車都叫包住個細路先啦... 呢個飛晒天, 第一次見!
[版主回覆07/07/2009 10:43:00]簡直睇盡人生百態添啦~
[版主回覆07/07/2009 10:58:00]我登個細路痛
I have saw "freedom walk" that used their body to hold the door at kowloon tong station too
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2009 10:57:00]呢d 日日都見架啦, 你少搭NYC subway!
hahahaha I think I took NYC subway less than 20 times....
回覆刪除有時大陸人就是這樣, 好誇張
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2009 21:50:00]唔關係咪中國人0既問題~ 鬼佬都成日會咁
I agree! I cannot write anything form yahoo blog, but all my blog friend from Hong Kong got no problem! I don't understand people. If I were the mom, I will wait for next train. Why need to let chidlren PK? By the way, I cannot imagine to stay in 34 street in summer. SUPER HOT in there !
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2009 21:52:00]熱都要坐架~ ai...
Oh... What I mean is in 34 street 通風設備係冇! In summer, I will so less to go to 34 Street. Even I went there, I will not take train of R, W, Q, and F. That area look like no air in there. Other 34 subway station will be better! How are you recently? Busy to work? I just graduate recently, and I still need to search the job that I want!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/08/2009 22:16:00]Unfortunately, I always need to transfer btn R & F~ no choice!! yeah... busy at work, unbelievably busy~ the market is still bad, but depends on what your major is, good luck finding a job!
i always see this young Jewish couple on the bus, the woman always rushes ahead of everyone to get a seat/get off the bus, she's just rude! and she runs even when she's just crossing the roads, leaving her husband behind, what a strange woman!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/08/2009 22:16:00]the Jews are always weird to me